Frame Generator using React Konva


If you’ve spent time on social media, you’ve probably seen one of your friends change their Facebook profile picture to include a frame supporting their favorite sports team, or a colleague's LinkedIn profile with a frame about openness to work. In this article, we’ll build our own profile picture frame generator in React using React Konva. With a high level of customization, you can build a profile picture frame generator for your online event participants to use. Our final output will look like the image below:

What is React Konva

The HTML5 <canvas> element is a powerful tool for incorporating dynamic, performant visuals in web apps. <canvas> supports a wide range of browsers and includes built-in APIs for adding shapes, pictures, and text. A variety of utility libraries like Konva.js and p5.js have been created on top of Canvas to assist with event handling and animations.

I choose Konva.js over the many other canvas libraries available. The Canvas API is essentially imperative, and it was built to interact with vanilla JavaScript with methods like ctx.rect(x, y, width, height). This syntax is completely alien to React developers and is incompatible with modern React patterns. React Konva, a React wrapper for Konva.js, allows you to use React component interfaces to connect with the Konva API.


Before you begin, this article assumes that you are familiar with the following concepts.

Project Setup

First, we'll install Yarn to make our development process much smoother. To run this command, you'll need to have Node.js installed. You can check whether Node.js is installed using the command node --version. Installing Node.js will automatically enable the npm and npx commands:

  1. Install yarn. Yarn is a package manager just like npm but faster. Using yarn would make your development process much smoother.

    # Globally install yarn
    npm install -g yarn
  2. Create a basic react app using CRA. To run this command, you need to have node.js installed which you can check if you have Node using the command node --version. You can find the links to download on Node.js's website. Installing node.js will automatically enable the npm and npx commands.

    # Using npm
    npx create-react-app profile-frames
    # Using yarn
    yarn create react-app profile-frames
  • Setting up a clean directory structure. Delete all the files that come with CRA and create the required folders and files as shown below.

    • public - files in this directory will be directly accessible to the users.
    • src - contains all the files which we add and use.
    • assets - all the images and frames we'll be using would be here.
    • components - contains all the various components that we'll be having
    • pages - all the different screens that we'll be having
    • store - files handling the global state management of the app.
  • Running your React app. Create an index.js and App.jsx files in the src directory and add the following code.

    // App.jsx
    import React from 'react';
    const App = () => {
    return (
    <h1>Hello World</h1>
    export default App;
    // index.js
    import React from 'react';
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
    import App from './App';
    <App />
  • Installing the required packages and libraries. We will be using styled-components for css styling and react-konva for canvas manipulations

    yarn add styled-components react-konva konva

In this article, we won’t focus on CSS styling in great detail. You can find the details of specific implementation in the repository linked below.

List of Features

Before you begin coding, you must first make a detailed list of the features we intend to include, based on which you would build your components. The features you'll be implementing are listed below.

  • A stage where the user can interact with different Konva elements
  • A carousel which consists of various frame options to choose from
  • Control panel consisting of
    • An upload image button
    • Name and Guild inputs
    • A Download button

Depending upon the above list of required features, the following is a component architecture that that would be suitable for the project.

Component Architecture.png

Note: This article focuses on react-konva usage and will not focus much on styling and css. You can find the details of specific implementation in the repository linked below.

Let's get building...

Step 1: Creating the Canvas component

  • So, how react-konva works is that it has a component called Stage that you can use to render various canvas shapes and items.
  • The immediate child component of Stage needs to be a Layer component. A layer can then house different components such as images, texts, shapes, etc. In this case, just a single layer would do the job great.
  • Create a new file named Canvas.jsx in the components directory and add the following code.
import React, {useRef} from 'react';
// Libraries
import {Layer, Stage, Image, Text} from 'react-konva';
// Assets
import frame1 from '../assets/frame1';
import profile from '../assets/frame1';
const Canvas = () => {
* A list of variables containing the various details that we
* would require for all the different elements.
* It is better to separate them now as we will be shifting
* them to their global states later
const stageRef = useRef();
const stageDetails = {
width: 350,
height: 350,
x: 0,
y: 0,
const imageDetails = {
originalDimensions: {
width: 0,
height: 0,
renderDimensions: {
width: 300,
height: 300,
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
const textDetails = {
name: {
value: 'name field',
id: 'user-name',
dimensions: {
width: 100,
height: 50,
position: {
x: 50,
y: 50,
guild: {
value: 'guild field',
id: 'user-guild',
dimensions: {
x: 100,
y: 50,
position: {
x: 100,
y: 100,
return (
style={{position: 'relative'}}
style={{position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, zIndex: 100}}
export default Canvas;
  • As you can see, quite a few things are going on here. Most of them are pretty straightforward but let's get started with the different props that are being passed to all the elements.
  • Each canvas element takes the following props
    • width and height specifying the dimensions of the particular component
    • x and y specifying the position of the component. Here x and y are relative to the stage component and start from the top-left corner of the stage.
  • The Stage component requires a reference which is created using the useRef hook.
  • There are 2 Image components, one for the profile picture and the other for the frame. Since these images can be of high resolution, we need to calculate the render dimensions for each image to fit it inside the stage (which will be done as we proceed ahead)
  • Additionally, there are 2 Text components as well. It has a text prop that renders the content i.e. the text we provide
  • At this point, you would be having the Stage ready, but if you see, there are a few issues going on.
    1. The text appearing doesn't have a background. It needs to be fixed so that it looks distinct from the images.
    2. None of the elements is transformable, as in neither their sizes can be changed nor can they be rotated.
    3. Finally, everything at this point is static, the app needs to be made dynamic.

Step 2: Creating a custom Text component.

  • The inbuilt text component doesn’t include a background. Instead, we’ll create a custom component by using a Text component placed on top of a Rect, Rectangle, component.
  • React Konva provides a group component, so a single set of props like dimensions and positions are provided to just one component instead of multiple.
  • Create a new file - CustomText.jsx and add the following code.
import React from 'react';
// Libraries
import {Rect, Text, Group} from 'react-konva';
const CustomText = ({dimensions, position, name}) => {
const shapeRef = React.useRef(null);
* As with other konva components, group also takes in
* width, height and positions x and y.
* In addition to this, the properities of offsetX and offsetY
* prop which shifts its coordinate system origin to the center instead
* of the top-left corner are also added.
* This would help in positioning both the rectangle and the
* text element at the center of the group.
const groupProps = {
width: dimensions.width,
height: dimensions.height,
offsetX: dimensions.width / 2,
offsetY: dimensions.height / 2,
x: position.x,
y: position.y,
return (
<Group ref={shapeRef} {...groupProps}>
{/* The width of both the elements are kept same */}
{/* Not passing any positions defaults them to x=0 and y=0 */}
cornerRadius={[7, 7, 7, 7]}
export default CustomText;
  • Here you go! A custom Text component that is way more legible and can be easily distinguished from the background image is ready.

Step 3: Scale your components with Transformer

  • At this point, we’ve prepared the majority of our components. However, we’re missing a key feature that will bring a whole new level of customization to our application.
  • Let's start with Images. Before we can create our custom image component, we need to refactor the C``anvas component to include states, since we’re shifting to a more dynamic application with interactions:
import profile from '../assets/frame1';
const Canvas = () => {
/* Existing Code */
* Okay so the imageDetails variables are removed and
* shifted to a state. Not only this but also 2 new properties of
* scale defaulted to 1 which would determine
* the size of our shape/element and id are added
* In addition to that, a new state called selectedElement is also
* selectedElement. This element stores an id or unique field which
* showcases which element is currently selected.
const [selectedElement, setSelectedElement] = useState(null);
const [imageDetails, setImageDetails] = useState({
originalDimensions: {
width: 0,
height: 0,
renderDimensions: {
width: 300,
height: 300,
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
scale: 1,
id: 'user-profile-image',
image: profile,
/* Existing code */
export default Canvas;
  • With stage set up with states, let’s build our transformable image component. To reduce the code in a single component and avoid any sort of repetition, create a new file called CustomImage.jsx.
  • React Konva has a Transformer component that creates a box around the shape using, which the user can use to resize or rotate the shape. Add the following code to CustomImage.jsx file:
import React from 'react';
// Libraries
import useImage from 'use-image';
// Components
import {Image, Transformer} from 'react-konva';
const CustomImage = ({imageDetails, setImageDetails, isSelected, onSelect}) => {
* Create references to the shape which needs to be transformed
* and to the transformer component itself.
const shapeRef = React.useRef();
const transformerRef = React.useRef();
const {
renderDimensions: {width, height},
position: {x, y},
image: rawImage,
} = imageDetails;
* Before we pass the image to react-konva element, we need to
* preprocess it as per the requirements. Luckily, you don't have
* to worry about it as a handy-package 'use-image' does it for you.
const image = useImage(rawImage);
* This effect runs whenever the isSelected variable is toggled
* The isSelected variable is set from the parent element which indicates
* that the current element is selected and is to be transformed.
React.useEffect(() => {
if (isSelected) {
* Here you are instructing the transformer component via its ref to
* enable the specified component i.e. the image is to be transformed
* and then create the transformer box around it.
* This code will run everytime the isSelected variable is updated.
}, [isSelected]);
* The most important handler functions for transformations
* You need to handle 2 things -
* Change in Dimensions on transform and
* Change in Positions on drag
* This function handles the dimension changes of the shape
* If you recall, you have set a property named scale equal to 1 on
* initialisation.
* Using this handler, you need to update the scale property of this
* shape which can be obtained from the shapeRef
const onTransformEnd = () => {
if (shapeRef.current) {
const node = shapeRef.current;
setImageDetails(current => ({...current, scale: node.scale()}));
* This function handles the positional changes of the shape
* You have positions (x and y) properties in the state which you
* will update through this handler, similar to the onTransformEnd
* function.
const onDragEnd = () => {
if (shapeRef.current) {
const node = shapeRef.current;
setImageDetails(current => ({...current, x: node.x(), y: node.y()}));
return (
onSelect is a function that toggles the isSelected
variable. This function is called when image is
clicked or tapped.
/** Transformation Handlers Explained above */
{isSelected && (
boundBoxFunc={(oldBox, newBox) => {
this function handles the sizing of the box
Essentially what it does is adding a check
to avoid reduction of size to 0
if the newBox dimensions are less than 5 units,
it returns the oldBox dimensions
if (newBox.width < 5 || newBox.height < 5) {
return oldBox;
return newBox;
export default CustomImage;
  • Now that you have a transformable image component set up, let’s update the canvas stage with the new component. In the Canvas.jsx file, replace the Image component with the following code:

    NOTE: Replace only the Image component used for the user profile image as you don't want the frame to be transformable.

isSelected={selectedElement ===}
onSelect={() => setSelectedElement(}
  • Yay! You got your image to be transformable! Images down, texts to go! Similarly, refactor the CustomText component to make them transformable.

Step 4: Time to refactor

  • With the current setup, we have a lot of state-related items stored in the component itself, like image details, text details, and stage details. Handler functions are in the same component. At this rate, your code will quickly grow messy and unreadable.

  • Additionally, with just three components in our code, we have a lot of prop drilling occurring, which isn’t good practice. We’ll need to uplift a few states here that are required by components like the inputs and the upload button.

  • Let’s set up global state management. We’ll use the Context API along with the useReducer Hook. I believe that at its core, React is a state management library, and therefore any external libraries like Redux aren’t necessary.

  • Under the store/actions directory, create a new file - frames.action.js and add the following code.

* the useReducer hook from react takes the initialState as
* one of its parameters. If no param is passed, the initial state
* would be considered as null which not necessarily wrong but not at
* all a better practice. It can lead to unknown undefined errors during
* build time.
* As defined below, this is the initial state structure considering all
* the required fields related to the user profile image.
export const initialState = {
imageDetails: {
originalDimensions: {
width: 0,
height: 0,
renderDimensions: {
width: 0,
height: 0,
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
scale: 1,
id: 'user-profile-image',
image: null,
* Similar to redux, define all the different types of
* actions related to image state changes to avoid any errors down
* the line.
export const CANVAS_ACTIONS = Object.freeze({
  • With our action types and initial state set up, let's do the same for the reducer. Create a file called frames.reducer.js under the store/reducers directory and add the following code:
import {CANVAS_ACTIONS} from '../actions/compose.action';
* Similar to Redux, canvasReducer handles all the different
* actions and the changes to be made to the state depending
* on the action type.
* For now, each case returns the default state. You'll start
* writing cases after the context API is setup
export default function canvasReducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return state;
return state;
return state;
return state;
  • Props are used to send data top-down (parent to child) in a standard React application, but this might be inconvenient for certain sorts of props that are required by multiple components within an application. The Context API makes it possible to share values like these between components without having to pass a prop through each level of the tree explicitly.
  • Create a new file - canvas.context.js under the store/contexts directory and add the following code.
import React, {useReducer, useMemo, createContext, useContext} from 'react';
// Reducer, Initial State, Types
import canvasReducer from '../reducers/frames.reducer';
import {initialState} from '../actions/frames.action';
* use the createContext function from react to create a context component
const FramesContext = createContext(initialState);
export function FramesCtxProvider(props) {
* The useReducer hook provided by React enables you to create
* global states. Similar to the useState hook, useReducer provides
* access to the state through is first destructured variable and a
* function - dispatch to which you pass an object consisting of 2 properites -
* dispatch({
* type: one of the types from CANVAS_ACTIONS,
* payload: data that would be sent to reducer function to update the state,
* })
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(canvasReducer, initialState);
const value = useMemo(() => [state, dispatch], [state]);
return <FramesContext.Provider value={value} {...props} />;
* A very handy custom hook to easily get access to the state and dispatch functions
* in any component
* This avoids quite a few steps where you would have to import the above context,
* useContext hook from react and bunch of other steps.
* Instead, all you have to do now is import this hook and call it inside a component!
export function useFrames() {
const context = useContext(FramesContext);
if (!context)
throw new Error('useFrames must be used within a FramesCtxProvider');
const [state, dispatch] = context;
return [state, dispatch];
  • Before you proceed with reducers, you need to wrap your Application with this context provider. Head to App.jsx and update the code with the following code.
import React from "react";
// Components
import { FramesCtxProvider } from "./store/contexts/frames.context";
import Frames from "./pages/Frame";
const App = () => {
return (
<Frames />
export default App;
/* ==================== Inside pages/Frames.jsx ==================== */
import React from "react";
// Components
import Canvas from "../components/Canvas";
const Frames = () => {
return (
<Canvas />
export default Frames;
  • Ideally, this is all that you would require to set things up for a well structured state management. But react-konva at the moment doesn’t support Context API and hence we’d have to update our Stage (Canvas) component a bit to get it working. In your Canvas.jsx, update the code:
/* Previous imports */
import { FramesContext, useFrames } from "../store/contexts/frames.context";
const Canvas = () => {
/* remaining code */
return (
{(value) => (
style={{ position: "relative" }}
<FramesContext.Provider value={value}>
{/* remaining code */}
</FramesContext.Provider value={value}>
  • You are all set, with a few final things remaining. You need to update your reducer function to handle the different updates and call the dispatch function with the appropriate action types. Refactor the frames.reducer.js file with the following code.
export default function canvasReducer(state, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return {
originalDimensions: {
width: action.payload.width,
height: action.payload.height,
image: action.payload.image,
return {
scale: action.payload.scale,
return {
position: {
x: action.payload.x,
y: action.payload.y,
return state;

Step 5: Updating the components to use dispatch.

  • Back to the Image component, we need to update 2 things
    • Image scale when onTransformEnd triggers
    • Image positions when onDragEnd triggers
    • The other thing is update the image details when an image is uploaded which will be done later
// State Handlers
import {useFrames} from '../store/contexts/frames.context';
import {CANVAS_ACTIONS} from '../store/actions/frames.action';
/* Remove the rest of the destructured props */
const CustomImage = ({isSelected, onSelect}) => {
/* Rest of code */
const [state, dispatch] = useFrames();
/* Update the destructured element to use the state */
const {
renderDimensions: {width, height},
position: {x, y},
} = state.imageDetails;
/* Replace the setImageDetails with the following dispatch code */
const onTransformEnd = () => {
if (shapeRef.current) {
const node = shapeRef.current;
payload: {
scale: node.scale(),
/* Replace the setImageDetails with the following dispatch code */
const onDragEnd = () => {
if (shapeRef.current) {
const node = shapeRef.current;
payload: {
x: node.x(),
y: node.y(),
/* Rest of code */
  • That's it, you have successfully set up all the functions related to the profile image with the final step of uploading the image remaining.

Step 6: Create an upload image component.

  • A fairly simple component with an input of type image and an onChange handler with the dispatch function of type upload image. Create a file - UploadImage.jsx in the components directory.
import React from 'react';
// State Handlers
import {CANVAS_ACTIONS} from '../store/actions/frames.action';
import {useFrames} from '../store/contexts/frames.context';
const UploadImage = () => {
* Following is a destructuring way to get only dispatch
const [, dispatch] = useFrames();
const handleInputChange = e => {
* The following code is to get the image data and
* the dimensions of the uploaded image. In order to get this
* use the FileReader class.
if ( > 0) {
const file =[0];
const i = new Image();
i.src = URL.createObjectURL(file);
i.onload = () => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = () => {
payload: {
image: i.src,
originalDimensions: {
width: i.width,
height: i.height,
return (
<label htmlFor="contained-button-file">
<button>Upload Image</button>
style={{display: 'none'}}
export default UploadImage;
  • Okay so you have the upload functionality ready but now you have another small problem to deal with. As of now, you have hardcoded the dimensions of the CustomImage component which is wrong. What if the uploaded image is of an aspect ratio other than 1:1?
  • This exact reason is why the renderedDimensions property is in the image initial state. This exact reason is why you are also getting the original dimensions of the image at the time of upload
  • What you are going to do is calculate the aspect ratio of the image, and depending on the size of the stage calculate the rendered dimensions of the image. Add the following code to the handleImageInput function right after the first dispatch.
const aspectRatio = i.width / i.height;
const stageHeight = state.stageDetails.height;
const stageWidth = state.stageDetails.width;
payload: {
width: aspectRatio > 1 ? stageWidth : stageHeight * aspectRatio,
height: aspectRatio > 1 ? stageWidth / aspectRatio : stageHeight,

Step 6 - Downloading the frames and other final steps.

  • Converting the canvas to the image isn't a big deal. react-konva provides a method to do so via the reference that we passed to the Stage component.
const downloadURI = (uri, name) => {
const link = document.createElement('a'); = name;
link.href = uri;
const handleDownload = () => {
if (stageRef.current) {
const uri = stageRef.current.toDataURL();
downloadURI(uri, 'certificate.png');
  • Proceeding ahead, you need to get the input components ready and show the value in the text component of the stage (the CustomText component). The methodology for achieving this is exactly the same that you did for the images. Here is a recap of how to get it done.


Here are a few links that can help you to get a deeper understanding of the different patterns and technologies that we used in building this application.


Through this article, you were able to create a React and React Konva project with a sophisticated state management pattern without using any external packages. You learned how to set up a canvas environment and how to manipulate different aspects of a canvas in a React based single page application. From here, you can integrate the various other react-konva components to make your project more interactive.